Call our Emergency Dentist @ 905-723-2282
Call our Emergency Dentist @ 905-723-2282

Severe toothache justify dental emergency visit as pain indicates an inflammatory reaction in the tooth and or the surrounding area. Symptoms varies between patients and the stage of infection. The general rule severe pain indicates the need for root canal treatment or extraction so the source of pain will be removed and infection start to heal. Call you emergency dentist. Explain your symptoms and book an appointment as soon as possible. Removing the source of infection will relief your symptoms and the only proper treatment available.

Broken tooth is a very common dental emergency that faces emergency dentist. Minor fracture can be filled with composite resin otherwise if fracture is large, a crown and or root canal treatment might be indicated. Your dentist is the best expect to follow their recommendation. Broken tooth main symptoms are sharp edges, sensitivity mainly to cold, pain and sometimes difficulty eating. If the broken piece is still attached to gum, it is considered a dental emergency that the patient will benefit from there visit to urgent dental care clinic.

Avulsed tooth definition is a tooth that is completely displaced from its socket. The socket is either empty or filled with blood mainly caused by trauma to the teeth. It is a must to seek the help of emergency dentist as the treatment prognosis is very time sensitive. Try to find the tooth and hold it from the crown side, if the tooth is dirty, wash it briefly under water, implanted back in the socket and use any towel to hold it in position. if not possible to implanted, try to keep it in a milk and see emergency dental clinic as soon as possible.
Avulsed tooth definition is a tooth that is completely displaced from its socket. The socket is either empty or filled with blood mainly caused by trauma to the teeth. It is a must to seek the help of emergency dentist as the treatment prognosis is very time sensitive. Try to find the tooth and hold it from the crown side, if the tooth is dirty, wash it briefly under water, implanted back in the socket and use any towel to hold it in position. if not possible to implanted, try to keep it in a milk and see emergency dental clinic as soon as possible.
Broken tooth is a very common dental emergency that faces emergency dentist. Minor fracture can be filled with composite resin otherwise if fracture is large, a crown and or root canal treatment might be indicated. Your dentist is the best expert to follow their recommendation. Broken tooth main symptoms are sharp edges, sensitivity mainly to cold, pain and sometimes difficulty eating. If the broken piece is still attached to gum, it is considered a dental emergency that the patient will benefit from there visit to urgent dental care clinic.
Severe toothache justify dental emergency visit as pain indicates an inflammatory reaction in the tooth and the surrounding area. Symptoms varies between patients and the stage of infection. The general rule severe pain indicates the need for root canal treatment or extraction so the source of pain will be removed and infection start to heal. Call you emergency dentist. Explain your symptoms and book an appointment as soon as possible. Removing the source of infection will relief your symptoms and the only proper treatment.
Sport dental injuries are very traumatic to the dentition and soft tissue. It is mainly caused by a hockey stick, baseball pat, ball. It might affect even the people watching the game. It usually damages multiple teeth with fractured enamel, dentin, exposed pulp chamber, laceration, bleeding of gum, lip and cheek, fractured jaw, pain and even tooth loss. The treatment ranges from simple to complicated restoration, root canal treatment, flexible splint, extraction, stitches, bridge, implant and forced orthodontic eruption to get enough ferrule for crown.
Orthodontic emergencies are un common, but they do occur. The most common emergency can be treated at home temporarily until you see your orthodontist. Trauma and irritation to lip and cheek from the braces and / or wire can be treated with wax or gum. Try to tuck the wire under the braces by eraser of a pencil if possible, especially if wire is poking your cheek. Loose bracket or tube is treated by covering it with wax. If bracket is off the wire, try to spit it out and save it in a towel. It is sometimes a must to use a nail clipper to cut the wire.
Alveolar osteitis is characterized by severe and persistent pain in the tooth socket 3-4 days after extraction. It is more common is the lower wisdom teeth area, smokers, female patient with contraceptive medication use, medically compromised patient, complicated surgery and not following post operative instruction. Seek help of your dentist / emergency dentist as soon as possible. the dentist will irrigate the socket and fill it with a dressing. The symptoms will be relieved in few days with the prescription of pain killer.